Emotional Abuse
- Unexplained or uncharacteristic changes in behavior, such as withdrawal from normal activities, or unexplained changes in alertness
- Social isolation
- Caregiver is verbally aggressive or demeaning, controlling, overly concerned about spending money, or uncaring
- Person with a caregiver, guardian/conservator whose personal needs are not being met.
- Elder giving excessive financial reimbursement/gifts for needed care and companionship.
- Caregiver has control of elder’s finances but fails to provide for elder’s needs.
- Elder has signed property transfers (Power of Attorney, new will, etc.) but is unable to comprehend the transaction or what it means.
- Lack of basic hygiene, adequate food, or clean and appropriate clothing.
- Person with dementia left unsupervised
- Person confined to a bed left without care.
- Person confined to a bed left without care.
- Home cluttered, filthy, in state of disrepair, or with fire and safety hazards.
- Home without adequate facilities (stove, refrigerator, heating, cooling, working plumbing, and electricity).
- Untreated pressure “bed” sores (pressure ulcers).
Physical Abuse
- Unexplained fractures, bruises, welts, cuts, sores, burns, torn or bloody undergarments.